A Deeper Connection to Self

Sharing a manifestation! So, I have been really seeking a deeper connection to my sexual self since my breakup 1 year ago really threw a wrecking ball through my connection to myself. Recently I thought working with a jade egg sounded like a good idea and I felt a pull to add that to my manifestation list. I then heard about Layla Martin's youtube videos on Tantra and the jade egg practice so I checked them out. They were amazing so I added myself to her email list. 

That very week I got my first email from her and it said she was going to be giving away 10 jade eggs in exchange for a review of her new jade egg online course, so along with the jade egg itself you would receive her online program for free! I entered and told her a bit about myself. A few days later I was informed that I was going to be receiving the jade egg bundle in the mail (for free). So. I have been doing the work with the jade egg for two weeks now and following her amazing course. And this week I have had so many major breakthroughs that I just felt like I should share how amazing this work is. So not only did I manifest a jade egg but even more importantly I have manifested a reconnection to my sexual/sensual self and I feel incredibly happy and fulfilled and just so full of love for myself through doing this work! 

There's not one woman I know that wouldn't benefit so much from doing this work. Oh man, I could go on and on but I will just stop here. I hope this helps someone that needs it! Xoxo


It Was Small, But The Universe Delivered


I Got Clear On What I Really Wanted