It Was Small, But The Universe Delivered

Hi guys, I am brand new to this. Like, just joined this week. 

On Tuesday I was doing the first steps of the program and it said to think of something small to manifest. Just to try it out. YOU GUYS, I had recently broke my badge holder at work. I have one that goes around my neck and I had one that I clipped onto my jeans - that one was my fav and it broke last week. So, I thought about the jeans badge holder. I really wanted another one. At work, I had asked around if anyone knew where I can get another one. No one did. My manager was looking into ordering me one, but said she would have to order 50 at a time and that it wasn't worth it. 

I  was definitely disappointed, but believed it would come somehow. I forgot about it for a couple of days, but then I was kinda discouraged about it mid-week. I couldn't see how it was possible. I felt I had exhausted all avenues to getting a free company one. So, I just said to the universe, I really would like this and trusted it would deliver. Fast forward to today. I had completely forgotten about it and actually had not worked on the program for the past few days because I have been busy. I came into work and wound up having a conversation with a co-worker in the kitchen that I like, but do not interact with her much. Today was her last day at the company (she is a contractor). 

We had a nice convo and then went back to our desks. All of a sudden she goes, "Donna Carrera (people at work call me by my whole name lol), do you want this?" I turn around and guess what she is holding up - A BADGE HOLDER that clips onto my jeans! I was like, "YES!" I was prob too excited lol but I explained to her that I had broke mine and was looking for another one. Anyways, it is a little thing, but I really didn't know how the universe was going to deliver it (but knew it would!) I love seeing how the universe comes through for me! I am excited to begin this journey and see what else I can manifest!

-Donna M


How to Manifest


My Self Worth and Better Boundaries Led to Pregnancy


A Deeper Connection to Self