My Self Worth and Better Boundaries Led to Pregnancy

Dear Lacy, Just wanting to let you know how your work helped me call in our third daughter (and all the magic that has arrived with her). It took about five initial focus was on nutrition, meditation, visualization...conscious conception circles...after a difficult miscarriage two years ago I almost gave up, especially at 40...and then I started doing your work and resetting limiting beliefs around whether I could be “enough” for another soul. 

I truly believe that aligning with renewed self-worth (especially setting better boundaries and being extremely disciplined with my practices) is what led to pregnancy and a magical birth despite serious complications along the way. The journey was the most beautiful opportunity to model faith and trust for my older daughters and my future self. So thank you. Been meaning to write this for a while. Sometimes it still doesn’t seem real. But my daughters remind me every day of our limitless potential. What you’re creating has such deep, resonant impact!! In gratitude.

-Tracy Chait


My Middle Seat Turned Into An Entire Row By Myself


It Was Small, But The Universe Delivered