My Middle Seat Turned Into An Entire Row By Myself

I wanted to share a fun travel manifestation story that recently happened to me. I started the Pathway in December and have been slowly slowly making my way through the different sections. I started this work because I wanted to manifest a partner (relationships have been an area of my life I have really been struggling with). Although, I'm still working on that this work has really illuminated other areas of my life (travel) where I am 100% in my self-work and I am able to manifest almost without trying. 

Sooo the story... I recently got to vacation in Oahu, Hawaii. My friend and I were staying at a nice hotel, but while exploring we came across a few other hotels that had AMAZING pools. You know the type... infinity pool that overlooks the ocean, with a great pool bar and cabanas. Well, I just knew I needed to spend some of my vacation there. So, I told my friend very factually that I was going to spend the remaining three days of the trip at these two particular hotel pools. The one pool you needed a wrist band for and the other one you needed a hotel key. I was not deterred. I went to sleep that night excited and dreaming of my days spent at these two amazing hotel pools. So the next morning we wake up and jump in an Uber. Our Uber driver is a very chatty Hawaiian guy who is telling us all about his life in Hawaii. Then out of nowhere he asks if we would like wristbands to access the exact hotel infinity pool I had fallen in love with the day before!!! Amazing! Then that night at dinner we met up with my friend's friend who was also in Hawaii on vacation. Turns out she was staying at the hotel with the other pool I was drooling over! She offered to let me use her extra room key to access the pool whenever I wanted!!!!! I couldn't believe it! 

This was in Waikiki so there are literally hundreds of hotels, I couldn't chalk this up to coincidence. Thank you universe! If that wasn't enough... On the flight home, I had the dreaded middle seat. When I was checking in the flight attendant asked if I liked the middle seat. I laughed and said no, but the flight was full when I went to change it online. She said she thought she could find me a window seat and reprinted my ticket. Turns out, when I got on the fight I had the entire row to myself on an almost full flight! What?!!?!? This was such a reminder to me that although some areas are a struggle I do possess the ability to manifest with ease! There is magic inside me and you! 

-Sarah Jaaskelainen


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