Random Money Was Deposited

I just manifested the 1 thing I never thought was actually possible...a random sum of money!! The last few months have been a transitional period of my life in terms of my professional life. A lot of my habits have fallen off to the wayside because I’ve just been tired I’ve been working on getting back on my habits and felt a ping to do 2 things this week: go to an infrared sauna and do a DRE & get a psychic reading to validate some things for me. 

I’ve been trying to think of ways I can get more clients (Im a freelancer) and have been kind of stressed about money but am not letting myself have a lack mentality and get a PT job at a store or restaurant. A few days ago I was taking photos at an event for work and was approached by someone and they told me their graphic designer just ghosted them & they need to find another one ASAP & said I should send him my portfolio! I just went to go check my bank account, when I got in I saw I had WAY more money than I thought I would. 

I scrolled through to see if I got paid early for some reason & saw I wasn’t paid early but that I had money deposited because of a lawsuit my bank paid out on. I didn’t even know my bank was paying out on a law suit, which is freaking crazy. I feel like because I followed the pings to do those things made me wayyy more magnetic and this is the universe’s way of being like ‘keep following your pings and there is more of this to come’ 

- Casssandra L


My Custom Motorcycle


My Middle Seat Turned Into An Entire Row By Myself