My Custom Motorcycle

Just wanted to share a manifestation that just came through. In February I bought a picture of a vintage motorcycle to put on my vision board. After I found To Be Magnetic (a few months ago) I decided to get rid of the board, but I kept the picture because I liked it. I sat down with my friend to do our manifestation list together, and I remembered how I still wanted that bike, so I wrote it down. 

THE NEXT DAY I'm talking to a guy who will build it for me CUSTOM, exactly within my budget (which isn't as much as you're probably thinking), and I even get to go with him to learn how it's going to be built. This all because I wanted to go to a coffee shop that sold moto gear (ping ping!). Ended up chatting with one of the workers, mentioned offhand that I was looking to buy a bike, and then he's giving me the guy's information. This happened within 24 hours people!I want to share that I've been doing a ton of work on leaving space to let things come through, physically AND mentally. Don't overthink it! (Or even better, don't think at all for awhile, and go with feelings instead). If that doesn't make much sense to you I can't recommend Eckart Tolle enough in conjunction with this work.


A Great Deal On The Expensive Sandals I Wanted


Random Money Was Deposited