A Huge Savings on Upleveling My Smile

I started doing this work in January and I've manifested some pretty big things (new job, car, concert with my favorite artist, etc.), but my latest manifestation has blow me away and significantly strengthened my trust muscle with the universe. I've had insecurities about my smile since elementary school, and after working though Shadow, I decided to step into my worth and make the investment to get my teeth fixed. Since it's all cosmetic work, the cost is significant (insurance doesn't typically cover cosmetic work), but I knew I was worth the investment (even if it meant cutting back in other areas of my life). 

About a week ago, after I had gone through my first couple consultations, I wrote down in my journal that I wanted to call in financial support for this. Honestly, I didn't care whether or not I received it because I knew I was going to get it done either way. But still, I wrote it down and asked the universe for support. This week I went in for my third consultation and as I walked out of the office, the receptionist stopped me and asked if I had heard from my insurance. Confused, I said no, and asked why. She told me the office decided to submit the work I was having done to my insurance just to see if they might cover part of the cost. And guess what? They are! I'm now responsible for just 25% of the bill. I left the office absolutely beaming! I've never felt so magical or supported. Thank you, Lacy! I'm now more confident than ever that I'm capable of manifesting my next subject: a partner!

-Hanna J


I Just Received a $2,600 Commission!


A Double-Salary Job Offer