I Just Received a $2,600 Commission!

I’ve been doing this work since the very end of March, and I just manifested something pretty big on my list! In March, I put on my list that I wanted to bring in a full commission check of $2,500 or more in the next 6 months. The most I had ever seen at that point was $900 max. At the beginning of August, I just received $2,600 in commission!! This is truly a result of the work I’ve done through TBM. I began with the basics of How to Manifest, Inner Child and Shadow. I continued on with the rut where I nailed down my core essence and began detoxing everything and everyone that didn’t align with that. 

Also, during this time I was publicly sexually harassed at work, and I took a strong stand against it. That was a BIG test but I walked through the fear of it. I have experienced smaller tests and personal breakthroughs, but these are the two largest I’ve passed. I journal almost daily and take those triggers through a DRE before bed. I’ve been doing that alongside the roadmaps. 

This work is so worth it! It has given me purpose and clarity in each day. My relationships have even improved from it. The cherry on top of all of that is that the universe rewards me with whatever I’ve asked for as long as I do the work to be in my worth!

-Allison B


My Daughter’s Scholarship and Tuition Paid in Full


A Huge Savings on Upleveling My Smile