My Daughter’s Scholarship and Tuition Paid in Full

I signed up for the Pathway while on a business trip in Las Vegas on August 15th to be precise. I listened to Lacy’s Goop podcast on the flight up from the island I live in the Caribbean and I am the solo parent of a 4 year old. Her father died 2 years ago and that event is what is my major rock bottom and what has put me on this path. 

One of my major concerns (among so many others) was finding a scholarship for her to enroll in an international school. I’ve been journaling about it for over a year. Anyway long story short I started doing the work - and it was a sacrifice on my single income to pay the $25 per month, but I was sure that I needed to learn how to do the work to make a better life for the both of us. The next day I got a “ping” that said to reach out to someone and just have the conversation about it ... so I did. She just so happened to be in Vegas as well at the same time. Then I flew back to Antigua and I got another ping that I should donate her old school clothes to a little girl at her school who I knew was also in a single parent house. 

I did that and as I was driving back home I got the call from the person I reached out to that she’s been given a full scholarship and her tuition was paid in full. I’ve been reading about Law of Attraction and it hasn’t worked for me - at least no where as effectively as the process that Lacy has laid out. I’m so convinced that doing the work yields the results, and I wanted to share my experience so far.

-Toya T


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