Lulu Lemon Black Leggings

I’ve been doing the work in fits and spurts for about a year. Some of what I’ve noticed is very subtle. For example after doing Unblocked Money, Inner Child and Shadow, I was more aware of so many money blocks and where they stemmed from and as a result, I rarely get triggered by money stuff...which was always hugely triggering for me. 

This work also led me to human design and that I’m a specific MG. After learning that, I created a very small test list...the first on the list was a pair of lulu lemon black leggings. I literally found a pair 10 minutes later while going through a bag of give away clothes. They were my daughters but it was such a clear sign that I need to be specific in what I’m calling in. That was several months into the work. For me, delay is due to lack of clarity of what I want. Hope this helps. Good luck.

-Doreen F


Test to Set Boundaries and Be Seen


My Daughter’s Scholarship and Tuition Paid in Full