Test to Set Boundaries and Be Seen

My manifestation was a romantic partnership with everything on my list that I was calling in... I met this person in January of this year while he was visiting my city for the weekend but at the time, was in relationship with a shallow, narcissistic man and truly believed that's what I was worth (and that was my pattern - shallow, narcissistic, abusive, emotionally unavailable men). 

The one I was already dating in January was the 4th man that had the exact same pattern as the three before him, and I had to run straight into the fire with this one to FINALLY learn my lesson. All four of them also left the same way, abruptly and for another woman. 

After being burned for the fourth time in April of this year, I decided to take a pause with dating and really do the internal work. I had already completed Love and Inner Child once before but I did them both again. And then again once more. Tests started coming through immediately. All of the previous men would text me all on the same day to meet up or tell me they missed me. I verbalized 'no' with them and blocked them. Then I started having tests with my career come up - clients who wanted discounts or didn't want to pay for services. Again, testing my worth and if I would stand in it. I let them go. 

The universe started rewarding me with little manifestations through money. A free trip to California, my rent being lowered, my busiest month of work. One of my shadows was being afraid to be seen, so I really put myself out there on social media and then opened myself up to dating apps. And then on the 1st of August I received the most clear ping I've ever heard in my life and it was to contact the man I had met back in January. He doesn't live here so I texted him immediately asking if he was planning a trip to my city anytime soon and everything took off from there. 

He is everything on my list - to a tee. The kindest, most thoughtful, expansive partnership I've ever witnessed or been apart of. I then put on my list to manifest a trip out to see him and within a few days I received that (but had to pass a test with my worth again to see if I would set boundaries and be open to being seen). I used two of my friends' marriage as an expander and put any triggers through DRE. The work actually works and I am SO THANKFUL!


Love / Inner Child


100% Grounded in Who I Am


Lulu Lemon Black Leggings