100% Grounded in Who I Am

I’ve done all of your workshops on the website. I was like, “there’s no way this is going to work.” But yes, it works! When Lacy came on the show in January, I was single. I had hit rock bottom with this relationship with this person. And so I stopped dating for months and months and was like “I’m gonna do all this work on myself.” I want to get married, I wanna have kids, I want a beautiful life. I want to be happy, I wanna go to dinners and see movies, and go on walks and have adventures and go on trips and make love and say I love you to someone.

I want to have an inner sense of security and confidence. That is what Lacy Phillips does – she gets you in tune with accessing your authentic self and being 100% grounded in who you are and what you want for your life and manifesting all of that. I manifested my boyfriend!


How to Manifest / DREs


All The Fears I Used to Have Disappeared


Test to Set Boundaries and Be Seen