All The Fears I Used to Have Disappeared

I’ve been wanting to say THANK YOU for your amazing work for a while, ever since I found your website things have changed in my life and just recently I met the partner I always wanted to call into my life. I can’t even remember the time when I had a ‘real’ relationship and how long it took me to unblock all the little things that were holding me back. 

I did the Inner Child workshop and been listening and reading everything from you I could get my hands on. I had my list for my partner for a long time but then two months again the midst of doing all the work it hit me and I wrote down the most precise and clear list I’ve ever had, and not even 2 weeks later, and after passing two very shiny tests... he appeared. It is everything I’ve ever wanted and it was never so easy, open and clear, and all the fears I used to have, have disappeared. 

He ticks everything on my list and more and being with someone has never felt so good! I can’t believe this is all happening, haha but it is! and your work has gotten me there!! I keep telling all my friends about you so they can have their own experiences. You are gold! thank you so much for sharing all of this and making your work and wisdom available to so many people!! thank you thank you thank you!!


Inner Child


I Realized My Family Mirrors in Relationships


100% Grounded in Who I Am