I Realized My Family Mirrors in Relationships

Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world. I was drawn to the Love course and today was Day 1. Through the meditation I began crying when I realized I broke through an unconscious block that I’ve been carrying through every single romantic relationship that started with my family and mirrors the relationship I have with them. 

I cried through journaling and for a short time after. I know now I’ve been able to release heavy, stored energy that I no longer needed. Thank you 🙏🏼💕 Today feels like I’m reborn in this area of my life and I continue to keep this feeling. I shared this with two friends that I feel totally cleansed from that heavy, protective energy and I feel ready to receive. Can’t wait for the rest of the days!”




It Meant a lot of FIRST dates, Not 2nd Dates


All The Fears I Used to Have Disappeared