A Move to the Country

Last month I signed up to The Pathway and began with How to Manifest.

I called in two things: A move to the country within the next 12 months and an interim cash injection to help me bridge until a new contract begins in May.

The following week, we received the news that our rental house was being sold and we would not be offered a new lease. It was exactly the shock my husband needed to begin taking my plans to move to the country seriously. Our move to the country is no longer a vague 'someday' plan; we are putting the structure in place to move in January 2019.

In the same week, an existing client offered me an additional $6,000 for a project I had already completed that she believed I had 'over-delivered' on. She found room in her budget to pay me a substantial bonus that I am absolutely worthy of without me needing to ask, beg, or expend any more energy on. Um, wow.

-Amy Constable (email testimonial)


How to Manifest


New Apartment and Couch


Insane Realizations and Tests