New Apartment and Couch

I wanted to share the story of manifesting my new apartment and couch!

My partner and I were downsizing and moving out from our housemates to be just the two of us. After looking at a few potential places it became clear to us what we really wanted in a new space and where, so we wrote our list together while going through the How to Manifest workshop.

We were accepted to a few places and came up against our test. An apartment that had a few things on the list, we didn't love but I thought it was the best we had seen in the very specific area we wanted and we were running out of time to find a place. We said yes and were supposed to move in over the next few weeks.

We knew that our current couch would not fit in the new space so we needed to sell it and find a smaller option that also doubled as a sofa bed. We sold the couch for $350 on gumtree (Australia's version of craigslist) and found online the perfect couch for us from IKEA, the only issue was that it cost nearly $800 brand new. We went to IKEA to check it out but something didn't feel right about buying it straight away as we hadn't moved out yet and we didn't know whether it would fit in this new space. I had the ping to wait until we moved in to buy it so we left it.

We were to move into the new place on the Saturday and on the Wednesday that week we received an email from the real estate agent that the place had rising damp and could potentially turn into mold and that they would happily refund our bond if we wanted. We went and had a second look at the apartment and although the damp didn't seem too bad the whole apartment just felt like a big NO.

We had 3 days to potentially find a new place as both my partner and I don't have a family home to fall back on so we felt homeless! Our beautiful friends offered to have us stay while we find a new place so we packed all of our stuff into storage and moved in with our friends for a month, lucky we didn't buy the couch as it wouldn't have had anywhere to go! I know that the universe gave us this test to help us step into our worth and say no to the apartment as we're worthy of something much better and give us even more clarity on what it is we desire to call in.

We spent a month at our friends place to give ourselves some time and space to allow the perfect apartment to manifest, and it did! We found the perfect place in our favourite location and were accepted straight away, with pretty much everything on our list. Now we just now needed a couch…

I started to really not like the feeling of having to pay an extra $500 or so for a couch when we had $350 sitting in our bank account from the previous couch. I said to my partner 'It would just be great if we could find our couch on gumtree for the same amount that we already have, maybe someone has bought it and it doesn't fit their place'. It is quite a particular style of couch from IKEA and I had been searching online to find it second hand but there was nothing.

After I mentioned it to my partner I had the ping to go on gumtree and I found it! For $200 but in the wrong colour, but I searched online and we could buy a new cover in the colour we want for $179 so only $29 more than what was in our account. But my partner felt it was a no, this was another test!

I continued the search that day and straight away found the couch in the exact colour for $350, the exact amount we had. My offer was accepted and my partner happened to have the work truck so we could go and pick it up. I looked at the listing online and the price had been dropped to $300. The couch was from an office so hardly used and only 6 months old and they were downsizing so it wouldn't fit. Everything aligned, we found the couch in perfect condition and got to save $50!

-Poppy Taylor (email testimonial)


How to Manifest


Calling in More for Myself


A Move to the Country