Calling in More for Myself

I turn 32 this week and wanted to share my amazing past couple months. 

I started this work a few months ago. Initially, I wanted to call in a partner after my partner of three years moved to another country. I made my list, but through doing the work i realized there were so many other things I wanted to call in for myself and do myself before i added someone else to my life. Also, this process was so essential to accepting and making peace with the break up. 

I sold my condo in December of last year and moved in with my parents. It was horrible and this is when i found Lacys work. Right after I started doing the work, i called in an apartment. I live in a California surf town and housing is so expensive and difficult to find. I’m a specific MG so what I called in was exact down to the very last detail. The day after I made my list, my best friend was getting her hair done and the girl doing hair a chair over said she had a back house for rent. It was exactly what I wanted to pay, half a block from the beach, pet friendly, bedroom separate from living quarters, plenty of storage, my own washer dryer and every other thing on my list. I moved in the next day. 

After living there two months I started to call in my single family home I had always dreamed of. Home prices are through the roof and i didn’t know if I would be able to find what I wanted in my budget. But just a few weeks later the perfect house came on the market. It checked every single box I had and was just under what I wanted to pay. What is more, it had four things I had always wanted but weren’t deal breakers so I didn’t put them on my list (a roof deck, outdoor shower, outdoor porch I could put a swing on, and a white picket fence. I put my offer in and it wasn’t the highest offer. BUT the couple selling the house and their agent liked me and my agent so much and got “a good vibe” from us so they chose our offer. The only thing the house didn’t have was a garage, but it had the space for a large storage shed, the one i wanted was $4,500 new. I opened Craigslist and boom the exact one I wanted, six months old for $1,499. The man lives about 40 minutes away and the shed was against his city ordinance, but not against mine. I close on my new home in two weeks and have never felt more in my worth or more powerful. 

Two of my best friends are doing your work as well and they can’t get over what a change they’ve seen and how magnetic I am. Additionally, I’ve been able to set the healthiest boundaries in regards to dating. I know the right person will come along when the time is right, but for now going on dates and saying no to anything that doesn’t feel in my worth has been such a game changer. I can’t wait to do life this way, I have never been happier.

-Kari J (email testimonial)


My Spousal Visa and Move to London


New Apartment and Couch