My Spousal Visa and Move to London

I apologize for the length of this! But... I don't even have the words to express how much Lacy's course has changed my life. I married the love of my life back in February 2018. He is Australian with a British Passport and we were living in London at the time (I was on a tourist visa) and we wanted to make London our permanent HOME. We got married in NYC applied for a Spousal Visa. Since then we were rejected TWICE and it's been a super challenging, emotional, uphill battle. I was stuck in NY for six months, then was permitted to travel to London on a tourist visa for three, and came back to NY again to apply for the second time and have been back for another six months. Since then, I was continually drawn to Lacy's courses and they kept appearing out of nowhere, but I never committed. I was constantly journaling, meditating and visualizing but felt like I was getting nowhere.

After we were recently denied again, I decided I had to address things on a deeper level and decided to purchase the full year Pathway membership. I started with Inner Child and then Unblocked Shadow but I then came across Uplevel and knew Rut or Rockbottom was exactly what I was dealing with and needed. I've been doing the work one - two times a day for the last two months and really raising my self worth and drawing into my true authenticity. Immediately, I noticed I was manifesting some extraordinary things (random free infrared sauna sessions, a free $400 air purifier which was "accidentally" shipped to me, and some others). I was also seeing Angel numbers (am still am) ALL the time. I also kept stumbling across so many ladybugs (which has never happened in my life), saw the most GORGEOUS rainbows (one while I was flying which was an absolute dream), all of which was not the norm for me! I just felt more connected with the Universe than I ever had in my life.

During this time period, my husband was also presented with the opportunity to work in Charlotte, NC. This would have been an easier option for us, as they were willing to sponsor him and the position was available immediately. ALL of my family and friends thought that this was a wonderful opportunity for us to be together, but my husband and I were determined to follow our dreams and we knew we were worthy of living in London just like everyone else. In any case, I decided to take a trip to Charlotte to at least explore it in person and try to make a reasonable decision, but deep down I always felt like this was a test. We were taking a huge risk, but we decided to decline the offer and we remained adamant about trying to rectify our current situation with my Visa in London. Also, during this time, I had another friend who was "accidentally denied" and I spoke to her frequently about how she turned her case around. This was my expander.

Well now, I'm now SO VERY excited to say, after hard work, patience and trusting in the process, and of course working on myself with all of Lacy's incredible resources, we just received notification today that they decided to OVERTURN our rejected visa and acknowledged they made a mistake. I am now awaiting my Spousal Visa so I can return to my husband and our dog, and I could not have done this without Lacy's work - I'm honestly convinced of this! We are all worthy of the dreams we desire and I am so thankful for coming across Lacy's work. This is just the beginning!

-Karen Maloney (email testimonial)


Inner Child / Shadow / Uplevel


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Calling in More for Myself