A Weekend Home Outside of the City

So..... I joined the Pathway just three months ago and did the How to Manifest and Love workshops. 'On the side' I had this dream to own a weekend home outside the city for years. So, just for fun, I also wrote a list for that. Since I was not near any financial means to fund something like this in the future, I really went crazy and put so much detail into the list, that I would have never thought that something like this would even exist in reality. Then, boom, just 4 weeks later my grandmother decides to sell her house (she moved into a nursing home) and my mother suggests that I should use the money to buy a house in the countryside to get out of the city on the weekends. I never talked to her about my dream concerning a weekend house..... WHAT???? So, off I went house hunting, and after a few places I got a GREAT test. It was really everything on my list, except for one thing, no neighbours could look into the garden, but boy, was that house beautiful. I did not pass the test, but put in my offer and then, all of a sudden, there were two other buyers and the price went past my limit. That really tested me, I felt SO disappointed, even though the house was not everything on my crazy crazy list. 

Three weeks later another house came onto the market  with every single crazy thing. The most charming one. I wanted to be able to ride my bike to get basic groceries, and now I can, with a ferry ride in between on the cutest ferry just for pedestrians and bikes. Today everything got finalised. Now I am going to rewrite my list for my partner and will go absolutely crazy too. By the way, all my arrows are pointing to the left in human design, so I really went into detail, like really into detail! Thank you Lacy, I feel sooooo expanded!!!

-Orthia Jöns-Anders (email testimonial)


How to Manifest / Love


New Career and a Raise After Starting


Going for Scholarship and Got a Bonus