Going for Scholarship and Got a Bonus

I’ve been following TBM and doing the work on and off for over a year now with some manifestations coming through but honestly I hadn’t really committed to doing the work so nothing major had come through (except for my current bridge job which has been soooo expanding and just what I needed). Around 2 or 3 weeks ago I decided I really want to see results and started doing the work with way more commitment. One of the things I am manifesting is a partial scholarship for a grad program I want to attend Fall 2020 and yesterday doing the Rut I found I’m afraid of not being able to pay the program and living expenses in the city I want to move to but I also know it’s just a financial portal I need to open and I know I am qualified and worth the scholarship. I took this through the shadow DRE last night and went on with my night. Today my boss let me know that I was getting a bonus for my performance out of nowhere! Completely unexpected. I am so excited to see this come through as a small taste of what’s possible if I keep doing the DRE’s, expanding and unblocking in the pathway. Thanks for all you do!!!

-Mariana Camacho (email testimonial)


Uplevel / DREs


A Weekend Home Outside of the City


Calling in a Tattoo and Artist