Calling in a Tattoo and Artist

I just started the Pathway and Lacy recommends starting with a micro manifestation, so instead of focusing on some of the larger things I’m calling in, I decided to manifest the perfect tattoo artist into my life. I have been searching for someone to complete a half sleeve tattoo vision that I have. Well, I started with my list and started going through the workshop modules and the next day I found an artist! Every artist I really liked was either not booking or too far away out of state. The artist I found I had been following and noticed she would be at a convention a few hours away. Long story short, I reached out, the communication flowed effortlessly and she was very excited by my idea. I went in for the consultation and just felt such high vibes and got along with her so well! She said she’s a ninja and should be able to get it all done color and everything in one session and that it will be a couple hundred dollars below my budget. Also, I don’t have to drive a few hours away, I can get it done in my city and a few weeks earlier than expected! Woohoo! Happy manifesting everyone!

-Nikki Gfall (email testimonial)


How to Manifest


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