Following Pings and Letting Go

I just listened to the most recent Supported and the conversation around TIME resonated with me so so much. I want to share two things: 

1) this work is magic and really does work 

2) It knows absolutely no time constraints. In a moment of financial desperation, I did Money (formerly Opulence) a la carte in December of 2017. I was broke, unemployed, and stuck auditioning for roles as an actor that I was not interested in. I did the workshop in a week, followed all the instructions to a T, and waited for lightning to strike. Obviously, it did not. A few months later, I got the ping to get certified as a Yoga teacher, which was in no way aligned with my chosen field, but a gift came through for me to pay for the training and off I went. Around this same time, my husband and I started looking for houses to buy in Los Angeles. We found our dream house right out the gate, and went through the necessary steps to make an offer. Shortly thereafter, it became clear that the sellers wanted more money, and we were out of the running. 

We were so depressed and mourned the loss of this home, knowing that we would never find another place like it in that price range that meant as much to us. Regardless, we went on shopping, found a place that we LIKED, not loved, and made an offer even though our heart wasn't in it. The day we made that offer, about a month after we lost our dream house, I was looking on Zillow and realized that the original deal had fallen through and the sellers had re-listed OUR HOUSE. We jumped on it, offered a little more money (knowing how much it was really worth to us now) and prayed it would make a difference. The sellers accepted our offer ($50,000 less than they could have gotten, because we came back and fought for it) and we have now lived in our home for the last year, happiest we've ever been. Shortly thereafter, a job came through for me that combines acting and mindfulness and pays me even more than my original list dictated (from way back in 2017). 

I had completely forgotten about that list, and that manifestation entirely. All I can say is this (for me): when I actually truly let go of the attachment of GETTING the thing (job, house, relationship --more on that later) it came crashing in on me, and I couldn't lose it if I tried. So, my small personal wisdom is this, and it's not terribly original: Stop Gripping, and hold space. Once you truly let go (can't fake it, have to let the universe know you are FINE without it) she wants to dump riches on you. I've seen it in acting, personal relationships etc. The second you truly stop attaching yourself to the thing you want -- BOOM -- MAGNETISM.





I Aligned with My Authentic Self for My Practice


I Provided an Unforgettable Travel Experience for my Children