I Aligned with My Authentic Self for My Practice

I've been working through a few different workshops this summer: Money, Inner Child, and Uplevel. I am a mother of 4 young children and have always struggled to feel like myself - or to even really know who she is. I've been applying to so many jobs hoping to find one that matches my skill set and time constraints while also trying to build my own nutrition practice. 

I was recently involved in a lengthy interview process with a company I thought would be a great fit. I woke up one morning after working through the Authentic Roadmap and realized this was a huge test. The compensation was abysmal, the client load far too heavy and the job simply didn't align with any of my values or my health philosophy. I emailed the company to remove myself from consideration and the same morning received messages from 3 new potential clients for my own practice each offering to pay over 10x what the other company had offered. Had I not done the work to align my actions with my values and really get in touch with my most authentic self with the DIs, I never would have seen the test for what it was and wouldn't have had the space for those new high-paying clients to come through. Not only that, but I feel so empowered and true to myself as soon as I sent the email removing myself from consideration. Holding strong on my values now that I know that they are is an incredibly strong feeling.



Money / Inner Child / Uplevel


Abundance and Liberation


Following Pings and Letting Go