Abundance and Liberation

I have been on the edge of sharing some of my manifestation stories since I started this work 6 months ago. What I want to share today is about action steps and owning your code. 

In the past two months there has been a lot of movement in all the things I have been calling in. I was really diving deep and was super committed to the daily practices. A relationship test came through that was the shiniest of shiny tests that I could have ever imagined. I am still questioning it, but the growth that has come from the rock bottom that followed that relationship has been so healing and beautiful. I took my power back and shifted all of my focus into launching my apothecary line that I have been working on for so long now. Within weeks I launched and then I found myself in a rut. I could feel that I was in fight or flight and my health was slipping away from me. 

I fell into more tests, some of which I passed and some of which I failed. I ended up getting so sick the week after launching my website which has brought me back to the feeling of a rock bottom. Today the energy shifted. I found my center, I started to clean and find alignment in my space and in my body. I sat down and started writing in a new journal. I didn't even have to reference the workshops. I began to write out the tests and the action steps I could take right now and in the coming week. After that I listened to the rock bottom DI and I got a ping while listening. 

The ping was to make an IG story about the things I am doing to uplevel my personal self care practice. Within MINUTES I received an email from my boss about my favorite account needing to place a large order, which means I will make a huge commission. The essence of my manifestations are abundance and liberation. It was such a strong example of how powerful listening to a ping and taking an action step can be to speed this process up and come back into the highest self worth. I love this work. I can't wait to see what happens next.

-Carlisle H




My Breakup Led to a Job


I Aligned with My Authentic Self for My Practice