My Breakup Led to a Job

I love this work and it really works! Thank you, Lacy. Here is my magnetic story. 

So, I was in a long term relationship that was semi happy. He had 80% of what I want in a partner and 20% of what I’m not looking for but I ignored that part for almost 3 years. Next to that I felt like I was in a rut regarding my professional life. Since January, I looked for a new job. I got invited to a lot of interviews but nothing worked out. Then in June I got laid off and I still didn’t receive a job offer but I still got invited to many interviews (a couple each week). During that time I focused on the Inner Child and Money workshops and I made my list and I never missed a day of journaling and listening to DREs. 

I knew something is still blocking me but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Then one night, beginning of August, I saw a text on my then boyfriends phone that triggered me and so I had enough and decided to take a break. After I closed that door on Monday, I got invited for a telephone interview the following Friday. I really wanted that job and then one week later, on Friday, I got invited to come in for an in person interview. It went really well and on the following Monday they offered me the job. This job has everything on my list and I’m beyond happy and grateful. I’m working there now for two weeks and it's just great.

-Marie F


Inner Child / Money / DREs


An Art Show Overseas


Abundance and Liberation