I Did What I Was Scared To Do

So.... I'm getting ready to do a little "trust fall" game with the Universe. I feel called to go do the thing, it's not dangerous and should I crash it won't be tragic.... excited, nervous, ready 💕 Edited to add: YOU GUYS! I posted this yesterday to push myself to do what I was scared to do. I was trying to talk myself out of it. I finally committed this morning, even without enthusiastic support of a person I normally wait on before acting. In less than 12 hours my GoFundMe account has earned enough $ to buy me tickets to an advocacy event in DC (I live in Idaho). I'm so excited to go do something beyond my rural stay at home mom life (which I love but feel lost in). Thanks to Lacy Phillips for teaching us these tools. I'm so excited to be working with the Universe.


I Moved and Can Travel Where I Want


I Was Physically Tested