I Was Physically Tested

I left my job in 2012 with the tinge of hope that I would be invited to do the things I've always wanted to do -- by the universe and by the people I was supporting. I spent years working toward it and and preparing so that when the invitations came, I would be ready. Slowly, and following several setbacks, I have manifested the job of my dreams and continue to manifest within my new role. Manifesting does not make my job less work but it makes me so very happy within the meaningful work that I am doing. I've actually never worked harder but I've also never been more at peace and grateful and looking forward to what the future holds. 

My biggest TEST was breaking both of my legs and losing the ability to walk for a year. It was difficult to see how I could continue to manifest through that but the people around me had grown to know me as someone who was dedicated and strong and that made all the difference. I was able to manifest the use of a nerve they said would likely never work again and get out of a brace that helped me hold my foot up. Following that, my partner lost a job and I was making next to no money. Thankfully, we were prepared and just as our savings were about to run out, a new job appeared and a raise appeared. Through that, I considered flunking the test. It would have been way less terrifying than seeing my bank account empty but not giving in led me here. There have been a couple of other tests but I'll just say that I am thankful that I passed them and I've never been more at peace. I am grateful for the work that you put out into the world. Thank you!


I Did What I Was Scared To Do


I Used To Feel Like a Victim