I Found More Time For Me

I wanted to share my manifestation story with you because I’ve been doing your work for 3 months now and this is the first manifestation that's come through for me. My husband and I got our dog 7 years ago, and ever since, I have somehow deprived myself from many pleasures because I felt like the dog’s well being and happiness depended on me. So, anytime we’d go out I’d get so stressed and feel guilty for leaving the dog behind, I would cut my activities short so I can get home earlier, and all sorts of things that made me limit the way I spent my days and doing the things I enjoyed. 

For 7 years I refused to look for a sitter, making so many excuses and I deprived myself of living life to the fullest, of traveling, of spontaneity etc.. As I started doing your work I realized quickly that on a subconscious level I was making these choices because I didn’t believe I was worthy of enjoying my life and once I understood where this low self worth came from, I started to be more open to the idea of finding a sitter and I added the following to my manifestation list: an amazing dog sitter - flexible - stays at our home - $40/$50 per day.I started looking on several sites and asking around. I came close to settling more than a couple of times when I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere close to what I was looking for but I resisted the urge to settle knowing that it was a test! Then a month later, I was at my hairdresser and I decided to ask her if she had a good recommendation for a dog sitter (since she also has a dog) and sure enough she said she had an amazing referral. 

Two days later I interviewed the sitter and it turns out she is exactly what I have been looking for and more! This manifestation has opened my eyes to the following understanding: loving another soul doesn’t mean sacrificing my own well being and self care. Loving myself and another soul is absolutely possible all it takes is to believe on a subconscious level that I am also worthy of that love.This manifestation has also showed me how this process works, and it makes SO MUCH SENSE to me now. I am excited about this, and I am even more excited for all the other manifestations to come, thank you Lacy, you are changing my life!!


I Manifested an Expander Partner


I Am Flooded With Opportunity