I Manifested an Expander Partner

I did Inner Child once. My mom was similar to my mom, but the dad I took through was very different - more affectionate and emotive. A week later I met an expander love interest on vacation. We only were together for a couple of months, but I can’t stress what a gift this experience was. I had recently recovered from anorexia, and had been single for 3 years. I couldn’t remember any sexual experiences in which I was at a healthy body weight, and in general felt very insecure in my sexuality. 

He showed me what it feels like to be fully seen, regardless of my background, and at my full body weight. Even though our time together was short, the experience showed me what I’m looking for in a partner and how I want to be treated. It’s been over a year since, and MAN has this expander made it easy for me to say “No” to all of the tests who have come through! I’m still navigating and manifesting a long-term partner in my city, and have unblocked a lot since then. I have done Inner Child and all (!) of the other workshops since. 

I have full faith I’ll find the partner when we cross paths, and am seriously so grateful for manifesting that expander partner thanks to Inner Child! A couple of weeks later, I did Inner Child for a second time. I remember taking a completely different set of parents through, and worked extra on the adolescence days. Like clockwork, within a week, an old friend texted me out of the blue asking to move into her apartment in Paris. I’d been planning to move exactly at the time (literally down to the day, haha) the other roommate was moving out. The apartment felt like home since day 1. (It’s been over a year since this.) Talk about some kismet situations, thanks to Inner Child!


I Crushed My Limiting Beliefs of Being a Homeowner


I Found More Time For Me