I Crushed My Limiting Beliefs of Being a Homeowner

Where to even begin. Since starting this work in May of 2018, I stumbled across it via a podcast ep and I had recently been married and left 2 very close female relationships, I have gone on to manifest some amazing things. I first bought Inner Child, then Shadow, Money and now I’m a part of the Pathway. 

Initially I got into the work for manifesting, but I became addicted to the unblocking process that manifesting didn’t really matter to me anymore. I’m a generator, so is my husband and son. I’m a stay at home mum. I desperately wanted to call in our first home. I was sick of renting. I had always had limiting beliefs that because I’m a stay at home mum that I wouldn’t be able to purchase a house. However, after stepping through and leaving the previous relationships I mentioned something just clicked one day when I found out that I could get a home loan quite easily because my husband is indigenous Australian. 

The process takes a bit longer since it’s a government initiative but it meant we would be able to purchase a house on one middle class income. I began unblocking further so that I could call this in. My husband however, not doing the work, obviously believed it was possible. The tests that presented themselves were when it came to purchasing the house where we wanted for the amount we wanted. I had seen a few houses in the area we were looking for the price we wanted to pay. We wanted a renovator, small house, side access, off the ground house, within 1km to the bay. The first test house we liked but something didn’t feel right, and it wasn’t our whole list, but we did submit an offer but literally crickets came after that. The house had been on the market for 6 months and yet the owner wouldn’t get back to us. 

One morning I had a ping to check the internet, and a house that I had previously liked but had since been under offer was now not under offer. I called the agent immediately and organised to go see it. It was EVERYTHING on our list. We submitted an offer and it was accepted that afternoon. The rest of the process was so so easy. 8 months later we have renovated the interior. I’ll also mention I had thought of the idea to home school my son when he’s older. But I didn’t feel it was possible for me. Low and behold my neighbour has 3 boys. 12, 10 and a toddler the same age as me. She has home schooled her older two boys and will also be home schooling her toddler when he’s of age. So we will now be home schooling the boys together! Coincidence? I think not…

I also manifested a new car. My dad literally just surprised me one day with a new car. And yup it was the one I was wanting! My latest manifestation has come in the form of me wanting to have my breast implants removed. But we didn’t exactly have the $10k for the removal. After some serious unblocking because I suffered a miscarriage and began heavily doing the work I found out that I could access my super fun money (money employers put into an account that you can’t touch until retirement here in Australia) for the explant. I was blown away! Thus I began the process of planning the explant. 

The super money came through easily. I also picked my surgeon based on my intuition and I’m so comfortable with my decision. My surgery is in 2 weeks and I’m so excited for the shift I have once these things are removed from me and I can be more my authentic self! Rockbottoms were my miscarriage for sure as I also became sick after my surgery to removed the failed pregnancy but it’s only been up from there. Other things I have realised by doing this work is that I can’t change anyone. I have spent the better part of 7 years trying to curb my husbands smoking and drinking. And I have finally finally released the grip. And our relationship and his drinking have actually gotten better. I’m still a work in progress but I’m so so grateful to have found this work. 



Inner Child / Shadow / Money


Pings and Doing The Work Brought in Abundance


I Manifested an Expander Partner