Pings and Doing The Work Brought in Abundance

The end of this month will mark a whole year that I have been living back home with my parents. A year ago, I was burnt out. I felt unappreciated at my job and disconnected from myself. I thought that living abroad was going to fix that, so I left my job after one year at the same time that my lease was ending. The plan was to move home to save for a few months, and then leave for Costa Rica. Unfortunately, timing was not on my side. I was not in a space to attract the job and finances that I needed to execute this master plan of saving myself. 

I scrambled to find a job, and ended up back at Starbucks and working at one of the local high schools. I was not living in my self worth at this time. I was self loathing, and not showing up in the world as myself or in these jobs. I quickly started gaining weight and losing touch with my friend’s back in Sonoma County. It was an ego trap. Instead of making best of my situation, I complained for many months. I had left Starbucks, was earning even less money, gaining more weight, and getting sicker. I was eagerly applying to jobs, but I could not call in the job and resources that would save me. 

Something just clicked one day, when my pants would not. I needed to get my diet right to get my mind right. I have been plant based for several years, but during this time was eating a lot of processed “vegan food” and sugar. It was not a lifestyle overhaul, but required a lot of work to overcome the sugar cravings. I could feel myself gaining magnetism. I was showing up better at work, getting call backs for interviews, and money was a second thought. And then shit hit the fan. I get a traffic violation for a suspended license. I was looking at potential jail time or huge fines. At the time, it felt like I had taken one step forward, and then two back. It was a test. It forced me to work through my issues of asking for help. I never asked my parents to help me financially out of fear that they would see me as less. After doing this shadow work and a little help from my parents, then things started coming through. I got my driving privileges back, a higher paying new job, and I was looking and feeling better. Even though things were coming through, not everything had come through. I learned that this job was only going to be a bridge job. I failed a test with an ex. Around this time, I discovered Lacy Phillips on a Goop podcast. Everything she said resonated, and I had to listen to more material. 

Around this time, I also had an opportunity presented to me that was a dream job opportunity. This job would take me back to the Bay Area to beautiful Mill Valley. I knew that in order to manifest this opportunity, I needed to do the work. Immediately, I started having pings come through like crazy. Money started coming through. My dream car came through. And now, (two months later) my dream job came through. My legal woes wrapped up three days ago, and I’m walking away with a small fine. This Sunday, I will be heading to San Francisco, where I will be living, and Monday I start working in Mill Valley as an Executive Assistant to an integrative doctor. As a double Capricorn rising Virgo, this job is everything to me. It’s the salary that I need/want to pursue my spiritual and materialistic goals. More importantly, I will be close to my tribe of friends again; and I have such a better relationship with myself—therefore, a better relationship with them. 

The work is not over, because there’s still so much more to experience and to manifest, but it’s a full circle kind of celebratory feeling that I’m basking in. With warm regards, 



My Pings Brought Human Connection


I Crushed My Limiting Beliefs of Being a Homeowner