I Got Money Taken Off My Rent

Test #1: House had nearly everything on my list and was in my price range, but the location was off. I wasn't feeling the sense of community since the neighborhood wasn't walkable. The owners liked me and verbally offered it, but I politely declined and moved on. Test #2: House had everything on my list, and I fell in love. It was a great layout and in the perfect location. The management company wanted $700 just to apply, so I said no thank you. This was very hard, and I considered going back many times but didn't. Test #3: House had everything on my list, and I fell in love again. It was beautiful and in the perfect location. I applied and was accepted, but the price made me uncomfortable, so I said no thank you again. This was so emotional, but I let it go. A couple weeks later, the owners called to say they'd take $300 off the rent for me. I had a brief magic dark after passing those three tests. I didn't see any house listings worth visiting in person. None of my leads got back to me. Nothing was happening. It was just... eerily quiet. 

I switched my focus to work for a bit. This lasted for about 10 days. Out of the blue, I heard back on one of the houses I'd previously said no to because the price was uncomfortable. The owner called and said they'd take $300 off the rent because they really liked me and felt I was the right person to live there. I moved in shortly after and have been very happy in the space. I'm grateful to live in the peaceful home I've been craving at a price that works for me. My community is amazing, and I'm getting to know my neighbors. I feel a clear sense of "right-ness."


Self Discoveries Lead to My Gallery Show


I Got A Free TV