I Got to Work with THE Producer

Have a big manifestation to share! I just started this work less than 2 weeks ago, and yesterday I manifested something that has been one of my biggest dreams for years! 

I am a singer/rapper, and have been wanting to work with a certain producer for so long. I got in contact with him almost a year ago and he seemed interested, but never got back to me. I wrote him so many times without getting a reply. I knew I wanted to work with him and not just any producer, so I kept faith and tried to be patient. A few days ago I was talking to my girlfriend about it, and she told me to call him instead of writing him. I didn't want to do it, as I thought he would be annoyed and then not want to work with me. But she insisted that it would be a good idea - "he is already not responding, so you have nothing to lose".

Her words stuck with me and later in the shower I said out loud to the universe: "if you want me to call him, give me a sign". And of course the universe gave me at least four different signs! 😂 The producer kept popping up in other people's posts on social media even though he is not very active on social media himself. But I still wasn't entirely convinced - maybe it was just a coincidence! Then a few nights later I had a dream in which the producer CALLED ME TWICE! After that I knew I had to call him up - I had promised the universe I would after all. I was dreading it, thinking he would never pick up. Not only DID he pick up, he told me he was so happy I called, that he had thought about me a lot and thought I was so talented. He had even played one of the songs I had sent him to three other artists he is working with (whom are all huge expanders for me and some of my favourite artists!) and they thought it was really good. 

We scheduled a meeting right away and he told me to send some more of my songs and we are meeting up a few weeks from now! I have been working a lot on stepping in to my power and worth especially around my art and I have definitely passed a test or two. I can't wait to see what else I can manifest when I really start getting deeper into the work and I know I definitely still have some shame around being successful and making money of my art. But I feel so motivated to work on that now! I want to add that I have been doing Inner Child therapy a lot in recent years before starting this work (it has been SUCH a grind, but worth it) so I think that might be a reason I got a result so quick. 

Sending so much love and positive vibes to everyone who is doing this work and especially those who feel stuck/in a rut right now! Trust in the universe - All it wants is to help you become happy and whole❤️🌈🌻

-Nanna M


I Shifted My Trajectory


I Took My Music To The Next Level