I Took My Music To The Next Level

#mymagneticstory: Last November, I put on my list that I wanted someone to work with me on my music, whether that be a manager, agent, producer, coach. A few weeks later, a coach whose main work was to help creatives get it together fell into my lap, and she was incredibly affordable. I had just gotten into a car accident and sprained my back. I had level 5 back and neck pain pretty much all day long. 

I couldn’t play guitar for more than 15-20 minutes. I was trying to be a musician but could not physically go out and play shows without it causing me pain. So I decided to take a break. I started working with that coach in January. I have always been good at doing the inner work but I have needed help on that actionable steps front, so I sought it. Sure, I’d have goals, but they would seem so far away. This is where the coach came in and I got to WORK. I booked my first live taping, and then realized I could book a whole tour around that, concentrating on areas of friends and family, and I didn’t need a booking agent to do it, I could do it all myself. 

I booked a tour of 11 dates with multiple podcast and radio interviews. I changed my last name to a stage last name, which is something I always wanted to do but never had clarity. I manifested a super affordable and talented graphic designer who designed tees and stickers for me that are a huge hit. I am typing this from a king size bed I am sleeping in (not a couch!) after playing a house show where I made in one night what I would have made nannying in one week (a job I quit a couple weeks ago). Like literally someone values what I am doing so much that they are feeding me, housing me, hosting a concert for me, and paying me more than what I asked. 

Besides all these actionable steps, I did the rut in January, continued with the DREs when I’d feel like, and did Next Level awhile back. I continued to confront allllll the shadow that came up. Mostly, MY SELF WORTH THO. I look in the mirror and I am glowing. I honestly love myself even though I weigh 20 lbs more than my usual weight after I couldn’t exercise after my accident. I draw boundaries. I speak with clarity instead of in circles. If you do nothing else, keep dismantling all of the bullshit in your life that makes you hate yourself. Thank you thank you TBM ❤️ PS - I am not posting this to promote myself, more to give a visual of totally strung out nanny with back pain to musician on tour transformation I’ve made this year.

-Rochelle F


Uplevel / DREs


I Got to Work with THE Producer


I Said No and Stepped Into My Worth