I Recognized My Own Flaws

I wanted to share something I’ve figured out/something that happened thanks to the work (How to Manifest and Unblocked Money) and also thanks to some of you on here! Thank you to everyone who answers questions & gives their insight, it definitely helps! One thing was regarding judgement: I noticed that I have been attracting nice women into my life, but two of them have a very similar trait: they made me feel judged. 

At first I thought of looking for past memories, to work out my insecurities regarding judgement from others. But I also realized that it wasn’t really insecurity that was the problem, but the actual situation of being judged. In other words: when I was by myself again, I wouldn’t necessarily care what they thought about me. I’d even shrug it off, like “who cares what they think” - but when I met them again, the judgy looks triggered me so hard. I was really obsessed with figuring this out (I posted on here) and then I asked my guides to just help me out. I immediately thought “just google it” and found Lacy’s blog post on “Projections”. Wow, what an eye opener! I realized these two women are my mirrors. I feel so uncomfortable and triggered when they judge me, but I do the exact same thing with a few other people! 

It took a high amount of honesty with myself to realize this - but I give a few friends “judgy looks”, I react in the same annoying way, I question stuff they say just because to me it feels weird and wrong (for example, a friend of mine is heavily focused on career and I feel bad for her 6 year old son who doesn’t get to spend much time with her, so sometimes I definitely judge her and she definitely notices it!). I always thought of myself of being a very open person who doesn’t judge, but I do. Hell, I do. Probably in an even more annoying way than these two women I mentioned above.The same thing goes for owning up when you say something mean or unfriendly - I do this to family members a lot (or rather, I don’t) and this new friend made me feel SO uncomfortable when she showed that exact same personality flaw. Later on I was like....duh! The Universe was putting a mirror in front of you, it was so obvious! And your ego was blocking you from seeing it! 

I think my guides must have been pretty desperate to put TWO women at the same time in my life for me to finally figure this out. I’m so thankful to Lacy’s blog and work, it helped me realize this - and that’s the first step in letting go of our ego and approaching our authentic self! So happy I’m on the right path!! This is getting long, but the second thing was my attachment to my mom that may be blocking me to meet a partner. I realized that while doing Love and now I took a few actions to cut off the blocking energy between both of us. One of these actions was to book a flight to Spain and go on a yoga retreat by myself. I’m very excited! And you know what happened: my mom told me she has a date! Omg, so funny & cool! It was like the Universe was telling me: Girl, you are on the right track and you don’t need to worry about mama! We got this! Isn’t it all so magical? You know what else happened: Mama got two new job offers, so basically she will have such a busy life from now on! 

This will lead to me not feeling so guilty or bad if I have “my own life” with my future partner and family. But this started happening right after I realized I needed to loosen up our tight link and go on a vacation by myself. So excited for what’s to come!!


How to Manifest / Love


After a Rock Bottom I Wanted a Fresh Start


My Relationship Came from a Ping