After a Rock Bottom I Wanted a Fresh Start

I started with Inner Child. I was feeling lost, or looking to feel more grounded and together. The summer had been emotional from ending a job that wasn’t serving me, noticing relationships evolving and mostly fading away. Family drama, financial woes, and incessantly negative inner dialogue brought me to feeling rock bottom. I started with the meditations and guided visualizations. 

It was difficult to sit still, but I knew this would lead the way. I was looking to make the transition to a fresh start and this workshop helped guide me. I started to feel more calm, forgiving, and understanding of where I came from and how to be more present. I’m only halfway through shadow and I’m eager to get to Unblocked Money but I’m taking it one step at a time.


Inner Child / Shadow / Money


Projects Have Presented Themselves


I Recognized My Own Flaws