Projects Have Presented Themselves

The sometimes difficult part of 'manifestation' is the realization that it takes many forms. Sometimes, we pressure ourselves into a specific direction in life, although we must allow life to take us towards a new path - this is how we expand and grow into our fullest potential. To fulfill our destiny and life purpose we must allow life to unfold organically, naturally - which sometimes feels uncomfortable. By stopping that 'forcefulness' within myself (that pressure, which leads to an anxiety rather than joy), I have seen life work FOR me and not against me. 

This has happened in many occasions, for instance as an artist, I have seen projects present themselves to me versus me seeking them out. I have seen people come into my life (as if a gift from the universe) who bring joy and balance into my life. I have also witnessed scenarios where people in my life have drifted away, which has been a blessing rather than a curse. However, these things didn't manifest without my effort of my intentions being clear. Upon knowing for certain what I wanted, manifestations presented themselves to uplift and fuel my spirit. For me, this has been the best 'aha' moment - knowing what you want to having intention and focus


I Used To Feel Like a Victim


After a Rock Bottom I Wanted a Fresh Start