I Set a Boundary and Formed a Better Business Connection

I’ve spent the last 6 months waiting and waiting for results on a project I paid someone to work on and it’s hardly moved forward. It was like this cycle of they’d get busy, my project would get put on the back burner, we’d reconnect after a while and then the same cycle happened over and over. Slow to no communication, very frustrating and defeating. It’s difficult for me because I trust this person’s talents and really wanted to work with them, but finally last week I said enough is enough, this is NOT how I want this project go. This is not how I want myself or work to be treated. Also, let me emphasize that saying this is very difficult for me to do. I have a whole slew of self talk around saying “no” that is filled with doubt and guilt and fear. 

So, right after telling him that my partner and I wanted the materials back, including some of the money paid, and that we were moving on, my partner and I reached out to someone else we knew was interested at one time in the project and immediately this new person responded “yes” and invited us for a meeting to discuss. The meeting went well, effortless almost. So, at this point I’m still just staying curious and open to see how it all pans out but I felt so excited about the fast turn around of change after saying”no”. 

Fast forward to a few days later, trying to tie up the loose ends with the first guy, he explains how bummed he is that he’s not going to be working on it any more and that he overbooked himself etc. I then start to feel regretful (test?) that we’re not working together. So, then that night my partner and I go out for dinner and we’re in our own little world when boom we get a text from this new person we’re going to start working with and he is sitting two seats away from us at the restaurant. We ended up siting next to them and chatting the whole way through dinner. We thought that was the coolest coincidence and that it seemed like a sign or wink from the universe that this is definitely the better connection. That maybe this will be more flowing, effortless and comfortable. Time will tell and so will the completion of the project, but we’ve been feeling so “buzzed” from the way things unfolded with something that was painful and frustrating. Also, my partner said after dinner that he had an image in his mind of us eating dinner with this person prior to going in to the restaurant.


From Lack Mentality to Extra Money


I Resurfaced My Childhood Limiting Beliefs