I Resurfaced My Childhood Limiting Beliefs

“Because I saw “NO” and “How to Manifest” working, I purchased “Money” in December. I worked on “Money” up to the 4th day. And the 4th day I just didn’t get it. I didn’t get anything in the DI and I found my mind wandering so I stopped. The next day I tried again, but my cat kept coming in and interrupting me, and I became so upset that I stopped and had a meltdown that my husband witnessed. 

I was so mad I couldn’t get through this 4th day. My husband suggested that I take a bath and relax. I did, and I received 2 very vivid memories: The first one, when I was in 4th grade, I was taking art/painting lessons outside of school and someone had seen my painting and wanted to buy it. I never met the buyer, but the teacher told my mom that someone was interested in the painting. They asked me to come up with a price, and I went home and calculated how many hours I worked on the painting and a price per hour (can you tell I like math?). The next day I told them I wanted $100 for the painting. They both said “Oh no, that’s too much money.” Then they talked me down to something like $40. Clearly, two people I held in high regard literally told me I’m not worth that money. 

The second one was when I was being offered my first job out of school, I was told “ You can take this offer or not. There’s no negotiating.”. And I took it. At the time, I worked in a very niche design market. This same thing happened a 3rd time, in the job I have now. I’m gaining the courage and self-worth to ask for a raise. After these two memories came up, I realized that these were creating this belief system that what I think I’m worth, no one is willing to pay it. Fast forward to yesterday. I thought I had run out of time to finish “Money”, but I randomly checked and I could still do the DIs! I was so excited! So I sat down after work and did Day 4 for the 3rd time. I felt good about it. I envisioned a small, red, glowing version of myself inside of me standing tall and the glow radiating from me. I finished it as well. Today, my husband and I found out that our tax return is BIG this year and then my boss came to me with extra freelance that is going to pay well, and another freelance job that was in a holding pattern looks like it’s moving forward. 

I can’t wait to finish Day 5, and then start again. Thank you all for being such a great, and supportive group. I’m so excited to see what we all grow into and manifest!


No / How to Manifest / Money


I Set a Boundary and Formed a Better Business Connection


I Trusted My Intuition and Pings