I Trusted My Intuition and Pings

“Lately I’ve heard a ping saying to take Sundays off the bar so it can be open for more clients in the morning but I also got a ping to take my FST level 2 (the next level of fascial Stretch Therapy Training) which is expensive as hell. I already put down the down payment because my solar plexus is emotional and I reacted quickly to the ping, but I’ve been worried about how I should pay for the rest of it. 

I wanted to avoid the credit card route since I’m still paying off my last training with one. I’ve kept asking my guides what to do in my morning meditations for the past week. So, yesterday, one of my past clients returned to me (I share him with another coach but we haven’t been able to get our schedules to mesh). I rearranged my whole schedule to stretch him and he kept cancelling on me the last few times. I was getting frustrated but my gut kept telling me to keep booking him. He’s a very successful business man and respects my time. He’s pre-paid in the past and never expects me to make up missed sessions, but I got a new processing system and didn’t have a card on file for him. Anyways, he finally comes in and pre-paid for A WHOLE YEAR which was the exact amount of money (and a little extra to get me through this slow summer time) that I needed to pay for my level 2! As an entrepreneur, I have a strict budget and I hadn’t put his sessions into my budget so it really feels like extra money. This stuff works you guys. Keep stepping into your self worth and listening to pings!!!!!”


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