I’ve Been Trying to Capture That Feeling

I didn’t think I was going to post in this group. But here I am. Celebrating a bit of a win on my books. Just did Day 2 of Inner Child and had my first real deep realization. I haven’t felt the feeling of pure excitement and love just purely based on my existence from my parents since as long as I can remember. Now that I’m a mother myself, all I have to do is look at my baby and I beam with joy and I want to show him and love him just because he’s alive. I haven’t felt that from anyone since I was probably 3 years old or younger. 

I don’t really have any memories of feeling that feeling from my parents. And I now realize that’s why I do so many of the things I do. I’m trying to capture that feeling. I’m constantly yearning for approval, constantly trying to be perfect in hopes someone will be excited about me and my life. I think that’s why I want to be an Influencer on Instagram. I don’t even want the free stuff, I just want people to like me and tell me I’m good. I’m not sure how this is going to heal through the rest of Reparent, but I’m glad to have finally stumbled on such a simple yet impactful realization. I finally had a good cry. ❤️❤️❤️


Inner Child


I Saw Myself in a Way I Never Have Before


It Feels Good To Be Receiving