It Feels Good To Be Receiving

I didn't have anything come through for about three months. I was doing the workshops but not the DRE, now I seem to manifest material things very quickly. Oddly if I write them down, they don't really come through. I'm a non-specific manifester and noticed that the things that I would think of and want but forget to put on the list always show up faster and more easily. I am experimenting now and have tossed my lists for the coming month for a non specific manifester challenge that Jenna Zoe is doing. 

I now do the DRE everyday as well as my own practices. It feels really good to be receiving and more in flow. Still longing for some of the bigger things but trust that they are coming in their own perfect way and trying to enjoy and feel the perfection of what's around me right now. As for how to keep going, I was motivated by people on this page but I also signed up because I wanted to heal my self worth. I was really sick last year and realized that I don't want to feel like a failure when I die. (That came up while I was sick.) I want to love and know how worthy I am, just for being.


I’ve Been Trying to Capture That Feeling


My Pings Brought Human Connection