My Mini Manifestation Came Through!

HAD to share with the group! I just received my first mini manifestation since starting Lacy's Pathway work! For context, I'm a non-specific manifester and Human Design manifestor type, and I've realized I was already intuitively pretty good at manifesting in non-specific ways, but I'm hoping to fine-tune the process by doing this work :) 

I set a test of receiving a jade facial roller for free a week or so ago. Nothing too specific just I wasn't going to pay for it. Yesterday I received an email out of the blue to take part in a research survey for a $30 visa card. Success! Found the jade roller I wanted to purchase online and it was over $30 but I ran a coupon finding plug-in on my computer and got $7 off bringing it under $30. Now I have a free roller on the way and a couple of bucks to spare :) Wanted to share this little story because as a non-specific type, I think sometimes things manifest in unexpected, roundabout, and vague ways that I'm only just realizing on reflection was actually a manifestation and a result of being in my worth. It's been a little revelation to connect the dots :)


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