No Thanks, Such a Proud Moment!

Hi, friends! I just joined the pathway 4 days ago and started doing the Unblocked Love. INCREDIBLE. Yesterday was day 3, and this guy that I saw (and hooked up with) back in May has been texting me for months and wanting to make plans again. One of the things that I've always been bad at is speaking up for myself if I'm not interested -- saying no, and really NOT SETTLING for mediocre things. We've been 'trying' to make plans for 2 months now, but I would respond a week later, or reschedule last minute. I was not interested. I didn't wanna see him, yet I didn't SAY THAT. I just kept 'avoiding' having to be straight with him. 

Last night I sent him a nice text saying that I was not interested, and the reason i've been bad with replying is because I genuinely wasn't interested in seeing him again. Nothing personal. Best of luck! He texted me back saying that he appreciated my honest response and then basically said 'I don't wanna sound un-classy, but I'd love to send you off to Europe with a really good F***." hahahaha. FYI - I made a decision to go to Europe for 5 months starting Sept, so that’s what he was referring to. Lol, that message made me laugh and also realize just exactly why I didn't wanna see him. I was like 'no thanks.' It was SUCH A PROUD moment for me! ALSO - today I open up Unblocked Love, it's day 4, and guess what it is about?! CUTTING ENERGY. "Where you are still energetically attached to people taking up space in your partnership space, it is blocking your partner from coming through." The first example of this listed was "Still hooking up with or sleeping with people even though they aren't your person." hahaha/ Incredible. So happy to have passed this test and feeling like I'm taking back my power!




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