Reconnecting with Family and Home

Hi lovelies! I wanted to give a big shout out to Shani Silver ‘s for her brilliant piece about TBM (it’s on Insta stories - a must read)! It prompted me to share something here because I read it while experiencing something pretty huge thanks to TBM. Right now I’m staying in a beautiful family cottage by the sea in Sweden. I’m here alone and loving it. It’s been in the family almost 100 years. I spent my summers here as a kid and my mum spent hers here too. The last time I visited was to scatter her ashes in the wood nearby. That was 25 years ago. I lost touch with my family after that and no matter how much I love them and loved the time I spent here as a little girl, I was too scared to come back for a very, very long time. 

Now we are reunited and I’m thrilled about that. I’ve spent time with my family, talked about our histories, met their beautiful children. It has been so special and healing. I would sometimes visit here in my DIs since joining TBM 7 months ago, and it’s so much more special to be here for real. I have a new gratitude for my upbringing, my parents (both deceased) and all that they went through, achieved and did for me. A deep forgiveness has taken place. I know a huge part of me being here (and happily spending my time in the cottage alone) is because of the TBM work I do and have done. 

It’s a huge marker to me of how much my worth has grown recently. I’m heading back to the fam this weekend before I go home but I REALLY needed this time to reunite with a part of me that had been ignored for so long. Thanks Shani for making my morning and bringing my experience so sharply into focus, and happy full moon y’all! ❤️


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