This Work Energetically Took Care of Things

Ahh, my fellow expanders. I am truly starting to see this magnetic work unfold in my life. I wanted to share with you all an energetic test that presented itself to me last night. I am happy to say that I passed! I am currently a student studying Music Production. I was in class last night. In my class, there is a student who is very energetically present: she can be overwhelming at times. From my perspective, I do not think she is aware. Making comments that have nothing to do with the topic, projecting, all of the like. I was on the receiving end of shame, in front of the entire class. She kept picking on me about music that I had never heard of. Asking me about this artist, that song etc. etc. When I didn’t know, she’d throw shameful comments towards me, such as “I cannot believe you don’t know who that is.” “I cannot believe you don’t know this song. How could you not know this song?” The comments were honestly way worse, but I cannot remember the specifics. For a SLIGHT second, I could feel the subconscious self doubt creeping in. 

The part of myself which is untrue wanted to agree with her. It wanted to continue the shame. It wanted to tell me, “How are you a musician if you don’t know these silly rap songs and artists?” But I am glad to say I turned that around REAL fast. I reminded myself of who I am, and through it all, I could only feel empathy for her and truly see and understand her projection, of which she had no awareness of. I did not say anything, I just laughed it off. I did not tell anyone that it made me upset. Today, I received an e-mail from the founder of my music school. He told me that he was made aware I was on the receiving end of shame by this student, that he was sorry and would love to talk about it. He also let me know that they were working on addressing this issue, as they have no tolerance for this type of behavior. 

I was so shocked to say the least. I am SO thankful for TBM. I am so grateful for this work. I am so grateful to align with true self, to work towards the best version of self so I can thus give back. One year ago, I probably would have let this shame embody me, envelop my soul and crush me. Today, I am grateful. I am grateful that this energetic test was placed in my path for me to overcome. I know this is only the beginning. It is my first moment of true expansion in TBM. But I know there are so many more to come. It is truly eye opening. I am so grateful for this community, too. Thank you all for sharing your souls and your journeys. It is so incredible to see. Truly. Beautiful souls for miles! Sending love, light and peace. Please share if you’ve gone through a similar expansion! Xx


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