This New Person is Much More in Alignment

Relationship: wanted to share this manifestation/story/alignment and hopefully it is expanding for some of you. Last year I was in an intense relationship with someone I was CONVINCED was THE ONE. Soulmate. True love. We were so bonded emotionally/physically/psychically (which I named spiritually). We shared a lot of magic together and deep love. But we constantly had ups and downs, red flags (they were not ready to commit, unstable emotionally, anxious and dealing with a lot of their own stuff). 

My part was that I kept staying in the relationship waiting/wanting them to change. In April we finally broke up - they ghosted and blocked me and moved to another city without a word out of their pain. I was heartbroken. I started doing the work. Four months later (now) I not only called in a new partner who is much more aligned. -note: after I left this relationship I made a list of the new things I wanted: heart-centered, grounded, stable, emotionally mature and available, able to see me/witness me, etc. So, this person came in. But I was still having thoughts/doubts about the ex occasionally - it was hard for me because I felt we had no closure. 

I did some shadow work and Inner Child (I felt abandoned and not seen in childhood) and a lot of wounding with my mom and enmeshment. A few days ago I had a dream of having a phone conversation with this person and they said we're stuck together. I woke up with heart pain literally. I did some dreamwork (a process I work with - where I went back into the dream, took my power back and expressed to this person I am ready to move on and then imagined myself walking into the arms of my new partner). The next day (after 4 months of silence) I got a call from the ex (test, maybe). I thought it would be a test - but it was so much more than that. Because I had processed and stepped into my worth they actually called to apologize and tell me how grateful they were for me in their life and how much they appreciate me and wish me the best - which to me was so confirming of the work. 

When I stepped into my worth I started to witness and magnetize that on all levels: with the new person who is much more in my alignment (sees me) and the ex even! Who knew. Anyway I hope this is expansive. It is my first major manifestation to come through since doing this work. I started a few weeks ago. :)


Inner Child


Everything With Him is Incredibly Easy


I Met The Most Perfect Guy