I Met The Most Perfect Guy

I’ve been doing the work for a few months and didn’t even consider calling in a partner, I’ve really just been focusing on myself. Well, out of nowhere I met the most perfect guy, I’m talking guy that holds the door for me, plays with my hair, pulls out my chair, just the gentlest, sweetest being I’ve even met. He is vulnerable and passionate. And it doesn’t hurt that he has a man bun 😉

I’ve known him for a month and I feel like I’m already in love. I even told my mom about him, which I never ever do. It has never felt more right. I’m completely terrified. I’ve been in SO many failed relationships, probably 6 or 7 and I haven’t opened my heart since it was broken when I was 18. I’ve always settled early on knowing it was wrong. I guess my question is is this a shiny carrot? Is the universe just showing me there are people out there that are just what I’m looking for? It feels too good to be true and I’m just waiting for the carpet to be ripped from underneath me. Thank you 🙏🏻


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