This work is WORK, but Worth It

I am writing in response to your last episode of the podcast, episode #30 "The process." My big take away, and something I would love for you to expand upon, is that with manifestation comes effort and resiliency. All of your stories include the "thing" your manifesting in conjunction with action,  not forced action but that willingness to trust one's intuition to lead one to act. 

In the past I have often believed that if I think and pray or meditate or make a list, or get specific or write it down or make a vision board about my goals and desires, they will arrive at my feet without effort. This is quite the opposite, as I have learned the hard way, and I love that you highlight in your podcast and work that, work, self reflection and a process are actually the keys to creating an ideal life experience. Illustrated so perfectly is Lila's apartment story. To an outsider her story may seem fucking hectic to say the least, from the searching to the setting up a bank account and the constant moving parts. What seems like a lot of "work" and unexpected road blocks was the part of her journey that she needed to get to the final outcome, her manifested space. SO thank you and your team for continuing to illuminate the pathway so that despite setbacks (real or perceived) we can get tools that help us to understand that, even though it is messy and at times creates a frenzy of activity, effort and personal growth moves us closer to that which we desire. Yeah GIRLS! Love what you do!

-Blair Davis (email testimonial)


A Raise and More Respect


Performing at Madison Square Garden