I Manifested Being Treated Like a Queen

Hey manifestors, I wanted to share a pretty cool manifestation that I've been sharing with my community as an expander. I bought Unblocked Love in February and in all honesty I was not ready to attract a partner at that time as it would've been spiritual bypassing as I just found out my ex started dating a friend of mine and I needed to process deep wounds around abandonment and betrayal. 

I purchased Inner Child and continued to deepen this work I've been doing for years since the pattern had resurfaced. I joined an online dating platform for expansion but deep in my heart I knew it's not for me and so I went off of it 9 months later. Just over a week ago I attracted in a man who had many things on my list. He is a Sagittarius, works and lives in NY, his last name was KING (I kept saying I was calling one in ;) and I also knew very quickly that he was a test. 

Regardless, I consciously chose to have an experience with him because he treated me like a Queen. I ended up in the penthouse suite of a prestigious hotel after he sent a car for me and we spent a few days together that were lovely and then said our goodbyes. He is still contacting me but I know in my heart of hearts it's not for me. Point is, magnetic portals have opened: this is a BIG manifestation for me where I'm no longer apologizing for what it is I want. I felt in alignment and in my worth the entire time. 

I am so excited to see what's next to manifest. I hope this story inspires someone because it is possible to have the energy of what you want in alignment to your authenticity. I'm continuing to unblock and stay in my worth so I can call in my real KING where love is present.

-Krista Reierson


Love / Inner Child


I Manifested My ‘Perfect Guy’


Staying Patient and Dedicated Got Me Through It